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Waiter N Word Check Shatila Lebanese Grill: Texas Restaurant Fires Waiter For Racist Move

Waiter adds n word to check at Shatila Lebanese Grill and Hookah, this move got him fired. A waiter by the name of Ragheed, served a group of friends at the Shatila Lebanese Grill and Hookah in Texas on New Year’s Eve; unhappy that they asked for separate checks, he wrote the N-word on the receipt.

waiter n word check Shatila Lebanese Grill

Waiter scribbles n word on check at Shatila Lebanese Grill and Hookah, story goes viral, pushing the restaurateur to issue an apology.

On New Year’s Eve, a group of six friends, headed to Arlington, Texas for a nice meal at Shatila Lebanese Grill and Hookah.

The three males and three females, who are all African Americans, feasted on exotic delicacies and told the waiter who served them that they would like to have separate checks.

Not happy with the request, the waiter whose first name is Ragheed, handed the clan a bill with the N-word written in capital letters on it.

The pals, who had attended a moving church service where the pastor talked about forgiveness, prior to incident, tried to stay calm and attempted to politely talk to the waiter about the racial slur.

When the young waiter was asked about his action, he tried to turn the matter into a joke, according to Jasmine Tucker. The young woman, who was visibly upset by the insult, shared with local media:

“He just kinda downplayed it. He said, ‘Oh no no no…I didn’t mean anything by it.'”

She went on to add that she can not stop thinking about the incident. Miss Tucker confessed:

“I went to sleep thinking about it; went to sleep upset about it and woke up upset about it.”

Ta’les Russell, who was saddened by the event that took place at the Shatila Lebanese Grill and Hookah, made it clear that they are not n*ggers and they do not address one another using that word. Russell stated:

“We’re being labeled. This is what they identified us as, and not the three girls and three guys.”

J’Vaughn Flippin said thank goodness, he had just came from church; otherwise, things could have ended very differently. Flippin explained:

“Knowing me I would have acted a fool if I didn’t have my head on straight.”

When a reporter asked the waiter, why did he write the N-word on the check, he replied by saying: “My bad.”

With the headline “Waiter N Word Check Shatila Lebanese Grill and Hookah” splashed all over the internet, the owner, Mike Salame, was forced to apologize and reveal that he fired the waiter.

The 18-year-old waiter of Persian descent, had one week on the job, and had already received two other complaints. Salame said:

“It’s very very improper. There is no exceptions at all. That’s why when I found out, on the spot, I terminated him…on the spot.”

The header “waiter n word check Shatila Lebanese Grill” has gone viral putting a small business owner in a delicate situation, what are your thoughts on how everything unfolded?

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