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‘Blessed Day’ Teller Sues, Bank Hits Polly Neace Back

Teller Blessed Day Sues

Teller fired for saying have a blessed day sues bank and story makes headlines. Polly Neace claimed that U.S. Bank fired her after 24 years as a teller because she told her customers “have a blessed day.” The Kentucky woman is suing the bank claiming that she was let go because of her religious beliefs. The company is hitting back saying that many of their clients complained that Polly Neace lectured and preached to them.

Polly Neace worked as a teller for the U.S. Bank located in Walton, Kentucky for over 24 years before being fired in 2011 for repeatedly telling her clients have a blessed day after servicing them.

The former teller is suing the bank for terminating her because of her religious beliefs.

The religious woman who attends church every Sunday spoke to FOX with her attorney by her side saying that in early 2011, she received a warning from her supervisor after a woman complained that Neace told her “God bless you.”

Neace ignored the strike and continued to use the religious term and even joked about it with her manager.

Not amused by the fact that Neace kept bringing the church in the work place, her boss fired her 24 hours after the joke.

Neace is suing the bank claiming that she got axed because of her religion and is asking for unspecific damages.

The bank is hitting back in a press release where they explained that the former employee harassed clients and co-workers numerous times while working for them.

They claimed that she scolded a client by asking her why did she use the name of the Lord in vain.

She was caught on several occasions preaching and lecturing to customers about going to hell and salvation.

The business stated that they have proof that Neace read the Code of Ethics Violation and chose to break it.

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