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Noah Ritter Interview: Boy Adorable TV Moment Goes Viral, Apparently

Noah Ritter Interview

Noah Ritter interview is awesome, apparently. Last week, reporter Sofia Ojeda, who was doing a segment on the Wayne County Fair in Pennsylvania, decided to do a brief interview of a little boy who was enjoying the rides. Little did Ojeda know that she was creating an epic television moment. During the interview, Noah Ritter, 5, used the word apparently to describe his fun filled day and to reveal that he has never been on live television before (no kidding.) The interview of Noah went viral and his grandfather has revealed that he is happy to be famous but prefers dinosaurs over fame.

The Youtube video of Noah Ritter conducting an interview with WNEP TV has gone viral racking thousands of views.

On Friday, Noah who is vacationing at his grandfather Jack Borowski’s home in Pottstown, Pennsylvania visited the Wayne County Fair in Honesdale where he tried out several of the new rides.

Reporter Sofia Ojeda caught up with the little fellow, to ask him few questions about the carnival and the answers he gave were more than adorable.

Ritter who really likes the word apparently, started by making it clear, he has never been on live television before.

He also shared that he does not really watch the news because he is a kid, but occasionally his grandpa does give him the remote control after watching the Powerball drawing.

Ojeda asked him about the rides, he said it was great but he got dizzy.

The little cutie pie confessed that he went on the supper slide and was scared half to death and he apparently freaked out.

At the end of the interview Ritter gave Ojeda a high five and left.

The clip has gone viral which prompted another local television station to contact Noah and his grandfather.

Borowski revealed that his grandson likes watching his interview on the computer and is happy to be famous.

He shared that the child is very talkative and has an impressive vocabulary.

While the boy is enjoying his fame, his real passions are dinosaurs and swimming.

According to reports Noah Ritter’s family has contacted an agent – so expect to see him on TV very soon.

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