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Wrongly Convicted NY Man Dies 4 Months After Winning $7.5 Million In Court

Man dies after getting $7.5 million from New York State. Dan Gristwood, the man, who received $7.5 million from the state of New York for being wrongly convicted for nine years of a crime he did not commit, died just four months after becoming a multi-millionaire.

man dies $7.5 million

Man dies after receiving $7.5 million from the state of New York for a crime he did not commit. On Saturday, Dan Gristwood passed away at the age of 48.

According to his brother, Jerry Gristwood, Dan Gristwood, who was battling lung cancer, died at the Upstate Medical University with one of his five children, and his wife by his side.

Jerry Gristwood revealed that his brother, who was a life-long smoker, even in prison, learned that he was sick five months ago, and was determined to try all sorts of treatments in order to live.

In 2005, Dan Gristwood was released after spending 9 years in prison after being wrongly accused of attacking his then-wife, Christina, with a hammer.

Gristwood was originally sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. In 1996, state troopers Matthew Tynan and Frank Jerome interrogated the man for more than 16 hours, and coerced him into confessing to the crime.

Gristwood, who worked two jobs at the time, was questioned with no food, and without sleep for 34 hours; he said he felt like he was brainwashed into signing the confession.

Mastho Davis, the man, who really attacked Christina, confessed at least three times to the horrible crime, but no one believed him despite being arrested 12 times.

In 2003, Davis gave such a detailed confession that authorities were forced to reopen the case. As the investigation was in progress, Davis raped, beat, and attacked three women before going to prison for life.

Christina, who suffered brain injuries during the incident, divorced Gristwood while he was behind bars. She passed away in 2014.

The wrongly convicted man was awarded $5.5 million in May 2013 by a judge, but the decision was appealed by the state. After a lengthy 16-month court battle, the state lost and in September 2014, a new judge ordered that the amount of $7.5 million be given to Dan Gristwood due to interests.

Jerry Gristwood explained that his brother got the chance to buy a pickup and take a little vacation in North Carolina and Texas, but he did not really get to enjoy the money. Gristwood said:

“He didn’t get a chance to enjoy things as much as he wanted. But he did get a little bit of enjoyment.”

Gristwood was able to put $4.4 million into trusts for his five children. He also spent a lovely Christmas with his entire family by his side because he knew it was his last.

Few months ago, Dan Gristwood said he was frustrated that the police officers, who took 9 years from him, were never punished. He explained:

“I don’t have grudges against the state police. There are good state troopers. But then you always get the few (expletives) who don’t want to do their jobs, just straight up have an attitude, thinking they’re better than everybody else.”

Jerry Gristwood explained that Dan Gristwood was able to let go of the bitterness before he died and returned to the kind man he once was.

Wrongly convicted New York man dies four months after getting $7.5 million, Dan Gristwood’s name will forever be linked to failed justice.

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