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Kim Kardashian Racy Cover For ‘Rolling Stone’ Adds To Banner Year: Will Sexy Reality Star Break The Internet Again?

Another Kim Kardashian racy magazine cover has just been published for the world to enjoy or get upset over. Dressed like a very sexy sailor, Kim Kardashian West is featured on the cover of the July issue of Rolling Stone where she had a lot to say about Rob Kardashian’s weight, Caitlyn Jenner and how smart she really is. When not posing in sexy outfits, Mrs. Kardashian is appearing at important events to talk about Hillary Clinton, racism, gun control and how proud she is of President Obama for standing up for the LGBT community.

Kim Kardashian has landed another racy magazine cover, and it might actually break the Internet this time around. On the cover of the July issue of Rolling Stone, the reality star and author, who is about five months pregnant with a baby boy, her second child with husband, Kanye West, is dressed in a sailor-inspired outfit composed of red bra, a white and navy blue off the shoulder top and of course a sailor cap. The truth of the matter, it is almost impossible to see her clothes because her breasts took over the picture.

Kim Kardashian is not only raising eyebrows with the cover picture; she is also stirring drama with some of the comments she made to Rolling Stone Magazine.

She spoke about racism, how she discovered that Bruce Jenner was hiding his inner Caitlyn Jenner and explained that she is sure that Rob Kardashian is not on meth “otherwise he would be skinny.”

While the comment might be harsh on Rob Kardashian, his sister is accurate because a recent study found out that 30 percent of women, who take crystal methamphetamine, do it to lose weight.

Meth is known for its terrible side effects – psychosis, paranoia, ‘meth mouth’ in which a user’s teeth decay and crack, suicidal and homicidal thoughts, and sores, which result from a user picking at their skin because they feel like bugs are crawling all over it. But it seems that for a large number of young women, one side effect makes all the others worth it – weight loss.

According to the soon-to-be mother of two, while Rob Kardashian is not using meth, he is taking part in other unhealthy activities:

“It’s not that mysterious, what’s happening with Rob. He has gained weight. He feels uncomfortable being on the show, and that’s OK. Do I think he smokes weed, drinks beer, hangs out and plays video games with his friends all day long? Yes.”

When the reporter said if “it’s not more like hookers and meth at the Ritz,” Kardashian replied saying that her brother is a “kind person,” and added “or he’d be skinny (if he was using meth).”

For some strange reason, she was less talkative when her sex tape was brought up.

“We’re in major confidentiality, so I can’t talk about it. I don’t really think about it. I thought about it for a long time. But when I get over something, I get over it.

However, Kim Kardashian West was thrilled to talk about how she discovered that Bruce Jenner was transitioning into a woman. She revealed:

“I was shaking [when I walked in on Bruce wearing women’s clothes for the first time.] I didn’t know if I’d just found out his deepest, darkest secret, and he was going to come after me. I wasn’t sure if Bruce was going to be comfortable walking me down the aisle. He had just had his trachea shaved, so I knew something was going on. [Kanye] obviously moves to his own drum. He lives his life the way he wants, a really authentic life, and he was like, ‘If you can’t be authentic and you can’t live your life, what do you have?’”

Prior to unveiling her scandalous cover, Kardashian was at the Commonwealth Club of California to talk about her new book, Selfish, and video game, but she was instead bombarded with political questions.

On the Supreme Court’s historic decision to legalize gay marriage in America:

“I’m proud of Obama and proud to be an American.”

On her support for Hillary Clinton:

“I hope she becomes America’s first female president, I guess people call me a feminist but I don’t like to put labels. I do what makes me feel comfortable. I never think what I say is the right thing, but I believe you should do what makes you feel comfortable.”

She also tackled gun control, racism and professed her love for social media.

What do you think of Kim Kardashian’s racy cover?

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