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Jessica Arrendale Hides Baby: Slain Mom Hailed A Hero For Saving Baby Life By Hiding Her In Toilet

Jessica Arrendale Hides Baby Antoine Davis

Jessica Arrendale hides baby in toilet to save her. Arrendale, a mother of two dies moments after she hides her baby girl in a toilet bowl and covers it with her body to protect the child from her attacker and former boyfriend Antoine Davis.

Jessica Arrendale, 33, used her last bit of strength and breath to save her baby girl Colbie Davis. The tragedy occurred last week in the 6200 block of Sawtooth Oak Court in Georgia.

According to the police, in the early hours of Sunday morning, Antoine Davis came home drunk and started fighting with his ex-girlfriend Arrendale.

The victim was at home with the couple’s 5-month-old daughter Colbie and Davis’ two young girls ages 9 and 10.

The former marine who was in nasty custody battle with Arrendale chased her to the second floor of their townhouse while she was holding the baby.

Antoine Davis eventually picked up a gun and broke the bathroom’s door where Arrendale was hiding with the baby. Jessica Arrendale attempted to protect herself and her baby with a baseball bat, but in vain.

The small woman was no match for the muscular former marine. Davis eventually shot Arrendale in the head, and by some miracle, before dying she was able to safely hide her baby in the toilet bowl and cover it with her body.

The 30-year-old ex-marine walked into the baby’s room and killed himself with a single gun shot to the head.

It took SWAT Team more than 13 hours to get in the home and rescue the baby who had suffered a minor head injury.

The baby was taken to the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta at Scottish Rite Hospital, where she was treated for hypothermia.

The murderer’s former wife and the mother of his two oldest daughters, Tamaira Chesley told local media that since leaving the Marine Corps, Davis was depressed and the custody battle made matters worse.

Chesley said that one of her daughters told her that before the murder-suicide, the father looked at her in the eyes for several minutes without saying a word.

The child tried to ask what was wrong, but he never replied and ran to the bathroom where he killed Jessica Arrendale.

Police officers who arrived to the scene of the crime are baffled as to how Jessica Arrendale was able to save her baby seeing that she was shot in the head. Her mother thinks it has to do with willpower and the love she had for her child.

But few commentators believe that maybe the father threw the baby in the toilet because he simply could not kill her and Arrendale was trying to rescue her when she died.

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