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Hannity Guest Storms Off: Attorney Leo Terrell And Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson Get Into Heated Debate Over Walter Scott Killing

A Hannity guest storms off and the video goes viral. Two guests, Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson and Leo Terrell, a civil rights attorney, appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox show on Thursday night to talk about the shooting and killing of Walter Scott. After Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, who happens to be African-American repeatedly defended officer Michael Slager for shooting an unarmed man 8 times in the back and called black people angry, Leo Terrell said he could not take it anymore and walked off the set.

A Hannity guest storms off and the story makes headlines. Last night, two guests – Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson and Leo Terrell – had a very heated debate on Hannity on the Fox News Channel.

The two men joined host Sean Patrick Hannity to talk about the South Carolina shooting death of an unarmed black man named Walter Scott by white officer Michael Slager, who is currently in prison after being charged with murder.

Terrell and Hannity agreed that the police officer was wrong to shoot Scott 8 times as he attempted to flee. However, the author of Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America explained that the Caucasian officer should be given the benefit of doubt because cops are being attacked by angry black people.

The conservative radio and TV personality said:

“In America you are innocent until proven guilty, and right now, Sean, white officers are under attack by angry black folks in this country, and when they’re stopped by these officers they’re not listening, they’re not obeying the authority of the police officers.”

Hannity replied by saying:

“But he’s given them a bad name!”

Leo Terrell slammed his fellow guest by saying that he should be ashamed of himself for defending an officer, who calmly shot a suspect who had no weapons and later tried to cover it up. Terrell explained:

“This is the second time in Fox News cable that you and I, Sean Hannity, agree.Jesse Lee Peterson is the only man on the face of this earth who is talking about everything else but the unlawful shooting of this man. … And for you to come on this show as a black man and to say somehow– to justify this shooting, you are an embarrassment to the world right now! The whole world is looking at how stupid you are!”

The duo went back and forth for several minutes, talking over each other with Terrell saying that Peterson is an embarrassment, and Peterson stating that black people have been brainwashed to be angry all the time.

Frustrated with the exchange, Terrell threatened to leave if Peterson did not stop blaming men like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin for their deaths. Terrell said:

“You better come to me or I’m gone. Come to me right now or I’m gone! Because I’m not going to sit here and listen to this hate.”

Peterson interrupted him one more time to blast African-Americans and show support for law enforcers, that is when Terrell just lost it. The lawyer said:

“I’m done, I’m done, I’m done, I’m done.”

Terrell then removed his earpiece and stormed off the set. When Peterson learned that Terrell had left, he told Hannity “Leo’s a little coward.”

What are your thoughts on Leo Terrell leaving the set? Is Jesse Lee Peterson right for defending the officer?

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