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Dad Dinner Rapist: Dad Kills Daughter’s Alleged Rapist After Dinner Invite (Video)

A dad had dinner with the alleged rapist, who impregnated his 14-year-old daughter, and later killed him. An Indian man who learned that a neighbor had allegedly raped his child, invited the man to dinner under false pretense, tortured him, set him on fire and strangled him to death.

Dad Dinner Rapist

A father sat down and had dinner with his daughter’s alleged rapist before killing him. On Friday, an unnamed father-of-6 from Khajuri Khas, India contacted his neighbor, a 45-year-old medicine supplier and invited him to dinner.

The 36-year-old father told the married man that he wanted to discuss some business with him. After the meal, the dad overpowered and tied the man to a chair and tortured him.

The angry dad got heated tongs and burned the supplier’s genitals, burned his stomach, before strangling him to death. On Sunday morning at around 4 AM, he went to the local police station and turned himself in.

The dad who has four daughters, told the police:

“I burned his genitals once, he screamed. I did it again, he shuddered. When I did it the third time … he did not move. He was dead … I did not want to kill him.”

The father said that two months ago, the man raped his 14-year-old daughter. The medical supplier allegedly showed up at the apartment and when he discovered that the teen was alone, he dragged her to a bedroom and sexually assaulted her.

The alleged rapist threatened to kill the girl if she spoke about the assault. But the child shared what had occurred with her parents.

And about one month ago, she became ill, and was taken to the hospital where doctors confirmed that she was pregnant. The mother of the child explained:

“She started complaining of morning sickness and dizziness. We took her to a doctor and we were told that she is pregnant. We were shocked. She stopped smiling. She stopped eating properly or going out with her friends.”

The father told authorities that he never reported the crime because he feared that the rapist would lie and give “a bad name to his daughter.”

What are your thoughts on the “dad’s dinner with rapist” story?

Video of the crime scene

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