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Ashley Brady Letter: 26-Year-Old Amputee From Miamisburg Cried After Getting Hateful Letter From Neighbor Who Parked In Her Designated Spot, Ashley Brady Takes Action

Ashley Brady’s letter drama is grabbing headlines. Ashley Brady made numerous television appearances to talk about a letter she received from one of her neighbors, who insulted her after taking her designated parking spot. Miss Ashley Brady has also posted the letter on social media and it has gone viral.

Ashley Brady Miamisburg

The headline “Ashley Brady Miamisburg Letter” has gone viral and many are wondering: How can someone be so mean to a handicapped person?

Ashley Brady, of Miamisburg, Ohio is sharing her heartbreaking story with the world. The 26-year-old woman, who lost her right leg in an accident in 2014, has been using a prosthetic leg to get around.

After talking to the manager of her apartment complex about how difficult it is to walk on the snow from a parking lot across the street to her front door, he took action.

On Thursday, March 12, 2015, the manager gave her a special parking spot near her apartment. Miss Ashley Brady, who has slipped and fallen numerous times on the icy ground, was thrilled by the man’s gesture.

On Saturday, she came home and discovered that a neighbor, who did not have a disabled placard on their vehicle, had taken her reserved parking spot.

So, she decided to write the person a letter, where she explained that she is handicapped and desperately needed to park closer to her home, (she also has to walk to the third floor to her apartment).

The angry neighbor left the handicapped woman a very bitter and cruel note that made her cry. Brady told local media:

“I was stern and confident in what I was saying and just letting her know she doesn’t know what it’s like to walk around without your own leg. She in return had placed this really rude note under my windshield wiper.”

In the letter, the person called Brady, the b-word, told her to stop being a cry baby and mocked her by reminding her that she is missing a limb. The evil person wrote:

“Hey handicap! First, never place your hands on my car again! Second, honey you ain’t the only one with “struggles.” You want pity go to a one leg support group! You messed with the wrong one! I don’t care what your note said shove it, but you touch my car again I will file a report, I am not playing! I let the office know the cry baby one leg touches my property I will cause trouble so go cry your struggles to someone who cares cause I’m walking away with both mine! -bitch”

The Miamisburg resident stated that she had to read the note several times for the words to sink in. She said:

“I read it probably like five times over and over because my brain just couldn’t even process the level of mean that it was.”

Kaitlyn Siler, Brady’s sister, shared the letter on Facebook in order to shed light on the struggle of those with disabilities. The furious sister said:

“If this person really knew her, they would never talk to her that way because she’s so sweet.”

The story has gone viral and many have contacted Brady to share words of encouragement. Brady revealed:

“I got a lot of feedback from this online from a lot of other amputees who have been in similar situations. You’re not just going to get what you want by being bullying. She told me to cry to someone who cares, so I went to the internet and it turns out a lot of people care.”

The letter was posted by Ashley Brady’s sister and was picked up by Amputee Coalition of America.

According to the organization, the Ashley Brady letter drama went down like this:

Ashley wrote–I lost my leg over the summer and am just trying to adjust to my new life. I requested to have a handicap parking spot to my apartment but with the ground being frozen I had to wait almost all winter. I FINALLY get my parking spot and this small victory meant soo much to me. Then after having my parking spot only 2 days a lady who was not handicap and does not have plates parked in my spot. I left her a note saying why I needed that spot, that I found it disrespectful, and if she did it again she would be towed. This was the note I found on my car in return.

Brady has contacted the Miamisburg police to investigate the matter.

What are your thoughts on the Ashley Brady letter scandal?

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